• Are you equipped with the knowledge and the experience in providing logistics services for the import and export automobiles in your country?
  • Is your company able to provide total logistics solutions and services related to automobile logistics in your country?
  • Are you confident in develop business contacts with customers engaged in automobile trading, import and export in your country?
  • How strong are your contacts to negotiate competitive freight rates with carriers and provide local services at competitive prices to secure business within the member network?
  • Is it your interest to develop business opportunities in the automobile logistics trade by cooperating with network members to gain profits for your company?
  • Our goal is to globally appoint an ALN representative in each country and to make them use the network to gain the maximum efficiency in working with one another while also sharing business leads

Are you equipped with the knowledge and the experience in providing logistics services?

  • ALN intends to give exposure to its members to understand the overall business concept and to meet the members within the ALN network to familiarize themselves with each other, to share and develop business opportunities.
  • Upon the completion of the trial period of the member and ALN is satisfied with the performance and benefits then ALN will be able to offer the permanent membership from the date of joining as a permanent member
  • The annual membership fee for a permanent member will be USD 1,000.00 (renewable annually)
  • The annual membership fee is collected from our members to cover our administrative costs within the network
  • Membership fee is applicable for the main office that is registering and no branch locations within the same country will not be collected. If your branch office is located in a different country of head office then a separate membership fee for branch office depending upon the country that it belongs to would be taken as a membership as only one member could represent each country
  • Should you have any queries about us or require assistance in any matter, please do not hesitate to email us at admin@autologisticsnetwork.com
  • We look forward to welcoming you as our member to represent your country

We Give You To Understand the overall business concept & ALN network

  • A wide vast range of opportunities for members can be found within the ALN network itself, by mobilizing web services that other members provide
  • ALN members will be part of an international Automobile Logistics Services network that provides business opportunities through an integrated network
  • ALN offers its members easy access to the contact details of other Members by logging into ALN’s website at www.autologisticsnetwork.com
  • ALN plans to offer an intranet-enabled platform where Members may share their views, opinions, suggestions, and feedback as well as seek answers to their queries from other Members
  • ALN registered members can also participate in our WhatsApp group through their mobile phones. WhatsApp platform is for all members to communicate with market information sales inquiries and submission of proposals. This would certainly foster friendship bonding besides business development

Wide vast range of opportunities for members can be found within the ALN network

  • ALN welcomes all specialized freight and logistics companies from all parts of the world
  • If the member is already a member of another similar membership(s) you can still qualify to be a member of ALN
  • ALN can only enroll one member per country. An exception of more than one member per country applies if the member is unable to cope up with the business volumes and coverage of the operational offices
  • ALN selects its members mostly through recommendations from existing members or any other suitable ways and means
  • ALN reserves its right to appoint or not in the alternative based on the sole discretion of ALN and is subject to change
  • We recommend that each applicant reads the application form and understands its terms and conditions before venturing into a contract
  • Members shall be provided with a copy of these Rules and the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct there-on
  • ALN wishes to request its members to list down their certifications and/or licenses that they hold to promote their accreditations and expertise within ALN network and to its Members
  • ALN requests all potential members to make necessary payments before they are admitted as permanent Members to the ALN network
  • On successful receipt of the Application Form and the relevant payments, Members will be bound by the stipulated Rules and the Code

We mostly selects members through recommendations or any other suitable ways and means

  • All ALN Members shall obey and abide by the Code and these Rules
  • We encourage every ALN member shall pay their membership fees promptly each year without any delay at the point of annual renewal
  • All members are encouraged to attend the Conference periodically
  • We humbly request all ALN members to treat all other members with dignity and respect
  • All members are obliged to assist other Members with any queries they may have, even if no business transaction takes place
  • We request all members to update ALN of any changes in their contact details to update master info
  • All Members are requested to refrain from organizing and /or how so ever get involved with other Members of ALN with respect to and or how so ever in connection with any dispute, discussions, gatherings which the members of ALN find to be prejudicial or to the detriment of ALN

All members are encouraged to attend the Conference periodically

  • Initially, ALN’s financial viability will be primarily funded by the Membership Fees collected from all its Members on an annual basis
  • Any other funds generated from other means would be treated separately

Are You Ready to be a Member of ALN?

  • As a practice, every member would be sent a reminder to make payment of the Membership Fees by ALN. Every year members are advised to make prompt payment of the aforesaid fees when these fees are due
  • ALN reserves the right to change the annual membership fees at any time but with prior consultation of members before making any changes to the membership fee. Members will be given a min period of three months’ notice of these changes
  • We will not cover or provide any insurance during the time of membership and no coverage is provided for any losses sustained by Members other than direct costs between Members

Are You Ready to be a Member of ALN?

  • Initially, ALN’s financial viability will be primarily funded by the Membership Fees collected from all its Members on an annual basis
  • Any other funds generated from other means would be treated separately

Are You Ready to be a Member of ALN?

  • ALN also wishes to inform that it has the right to terminate a Member from ALN Network in whole or in part with no refund of the Membership Fee, immediately by notice in writing if
  • The Member is in breach of any term of these Rules and/or Code and such breach is not remedied within 30 days of notification by ALN
  • Delays in settling membership fees for more than a period of 3 reminders are sent to the Member
  • If the member becomes, threatens, or resolves to become or is in jeopardy of becoming subject to any form of insolvency administration
  • If the Member, being a partnership, dissolves, threatens, or resolves to become or is in jeopardy of dissolving
  • If the Member distributes any information obtained by way of its membership with ALN to non-members of ALN
  • If the member ceases or threatens to cease conducting its business in a normal manner
  • If the Member engages in any misconduct and/or conduct unbecoming and/or conduct unbefitting of a Member of ALN, where “conduct unbecoming and/or conduct unbefitting” means conduct that is in the view ALN to be contrary to the interest of other Members of ALN and ALN itself; or in the opinion of the ALN to harm the image and standing of ALN in the eyes of other members and/or the public; and/or The Member and/or Members organize and/or howsoever get involved with other Members of ALN concerning and/or howsoever in connection with any dispute, discussions, gatherings which the Council of ALN and Members of ALN find to be prejudicial or to the detriment of ALN
  • ALN has the right to terminate any member with immediate effect, without the need any reason and/or explanation whatsoever. ALN may also terminate any member if it is the view of the ALN to be contrary to the interest of other Members of ALN and ALN itself; and/or in the opinion of ALN to harm the image and standing of ALN in the eyes of other Member(s) and/or the public
  • Any Member has the right to terminate its membership with ALN with immediate effect, without the need for any reason and/or explanation whatsoever with no refund of the membership fee
  • In the event ALN decides to issue notice to the Member pursuant to sub-rule 1 above, ALN may, in addition to terminating the Agreement
  • ALN could retain any monies paid by the member, and be regarded as discharged from any further obligations
  • ALN wishes to advise its members that they are prohibited from setting up a network with the same objectives as ALN whilst being Members of ALN. ALN shall terminate members who breach this Rule
  • As an ALN member, you may terminate your membership by giving 4 Weeks’ notice (hereinafter referred to as “Termination Notice”) to ALN in writing via letter or electronic mail. The Termination Notice shall be signed and dated
  • Once the above is completed an acknowledgment by ALN shall be issued to the Member within 4 weeks of ALN’s receipt of the Termination Notice. The name of the Member shall then be removed from the Register
  • All outgoing members / resigned members will have to settle all outstanding Invoices owed to existing ALN Members. Similarly, any outstanding amounts owed to Resigning Members have to be settled by ALN Members without any delay
  • ALN states that all members are advised that the Membership Fee will be refunded for the year in which termination takes effect
  • If any member decides to voluntarily withdraw, ALN would automatically terminate their membership. All terminated members are advised to refrain from using ALN logo (hereinafter referred to as the “Logo”)

Are You Ready to be a Member of ALN?

  • ALN shall not be held responsible for any loss of profits that Members suffer or any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with or as a result of any business transaction with one another
  • ALN vehemently denies or shall bear no responsibility in any form of compensation to Members from any claim or demand, which includes attorneys’ fees or the cost of commencing legal proceedings, which Members of ALN may seek for any reason
  • ALN Members are hereby advised that to the extent that ALN has made any representations which may or may not have been otherwise expressly represented by ALN and/or as stated in these Rules and/or the Code, Members have been provided with an opportunity to verify the accuracy of these representations that Members obtained and/or utilized through ALN
  • ALN will not be responsible for any losses caused and/or suffered by its members as a result of their own acts in relation to each other, save for reviewing and considering claims by members against the non-payment of direct costs by other members
  • ALN reserves the right to deny any form of Insurance related as we are not providing/offering such services. Hence it will not be responsible for any losses suffered by its Members as a result of any acts done by third parties, nor will it be responsible for any losses caused to third parties as a result of any acts done by its Members

Are You Ready to be a Member of ALN?

  • ALN will endeavor to develop, foster, and broaden regional and international contacts towards achieving its goals and objectives for the benefit of each member within the automobile logistics services industry
  • We encourage all ALN and its Members to establish a strong, cooperative spirit between its Members
  • For ALN and its Members to work towards the promotion of corporate social responsibility between members as they play a vital role in complying with the laws, rules and regulations, protocols, standards, and the like, of the Automobile Logistics Services industry
  • We expect and entrust all ALN Members to cooperate and assist in the recruitment of new members within the industry
  • We encourage and support all ALN Members to envision building closer ties and deeper relationships between Members, which is in line with placing every Member’s interests and welfare at heart
  • As part of the value addition, ALN and its Members shall share business opportunities with each other
  • ALN and its Members at all times give priority to ensure that Members are provided with, good service in respect of Automobile Logistics services. This practice shall be exercised and maintained within the Members
  • As an ALN member priority should be given to protect and boost the reputation of ALN and its Members
  • ALN would motivate each of its members to improve their service standards while doing business with one another

Are You Ready to be a Member of ALN?

  • In the event of any disputes related to non-payment of logistics costs and other matters between members, ALN shall help to mediate and resolve the dispute
  • A suitable methodology of communication by way of video-conferencing, correspondence (which includes facsimile, electronic mail). Written documentary proof should be furnished to resolve any dispute
  • It’s the sole responsibility of ALN to act independently without any prejudice and the decision reached in resolving the dispute and would be final
  • ALN would ensure at all times to facilitate all parties and provide an amicable and effective resolution between its Members
  • Any dispute arising between parties shall be dealt with in strict confidence and documents or any form of materials used during the resolution shall be treated with strict confidentiality
  • If ALN is not able to resolve the dispute amicably between Members, ALN will use its discretion to either dispense with the mediation and/or suggest to the parties that they find an alternative method of resolution in the best interest of all parties

Are You Ready to be a Member of ALN?

  • All notifications by either ALN or the Member shall be in writing and shall be served by sending via an email to ALN’s network address as stated above or to the Member’s address as registered with ALN
  • Any notice shall be deemed to have been served if sent through email at the time while obtaining a suitable mode of proof for the record
  • The Code and these Rules shall be governed by the laws of the country in it arises
  • In the event that the Code and these Rules contradict one another, these Rules shall prevail between them
  • All Rules and Code set forth shall be binding on all Members of ALN who have attested and declared their acknowledgment to abide by these Rules and Code at all times by signing on the Application Form as well as the Acknowledgment Form at the time of submission of application as a Member of ALN
  • The said Rules and Code are non-exhaustive and are subject to change at regular intervals. ALN will serve notice of any change related to the Rules and/or Code on Members via Whatsapp and/or electronic mail and/or bulletins on its website
  • Members are advised to regularly visit ALN’s website at www.autologisticsnetwork.com to keep track of any changes to the said documents

Are You Ready to be a Member of ALN?

  • As such in the event of Force Majeure, neither the member nor ALN will be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations pursuant to these Rules. If such delay is due to Force Majeure, where “force majeure” means a circumstance beyond the reasonable control of ALN’s Management and its members which results in the Member and/or ALN being unable to observe or perform any obligation on time under these Rules
  • Any of the following circumstances shall include but shall not be limited to Acts of God, lightning strikes, earthquakes, floods, storms, explosions, fires, and any natural disaster; and Acts of war acts of public enemies, terrorism, riots, civil commotion, malicious damage, sabotage, revolution, and Strikes
  • In the event of a delay or failure of a Member to perform its obligations is caused or anticipated due to Force Majeure, the performance of that Party’s obligations will be suspended

Are You Ready to be a Member of ALN?